Hemp Brokerage Services

Discover Our Four Hemp Division

Hemp can do nearly everything, so we had to segment all the things into into the four major hemp selling divisions: Cannabinoid, Non-Cannabinoid, Machinery & Technology.

Cannabinoids | Materials & Brands

We love our cannabinoids because they support life and homeostasis through supplementing the EndoCannabinoid Systems of humans and animals.

Cannabinoids are classified here as:

    • Phytocannabinoids – cannabinoids found in leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds collected from the Cannabis sativa plant.

    • Endogenous – cannabinoids made by the body: examples include N-arachidonoylethanolamine or anandamide (AE) or 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG).  AE and 2-AG activity can be manipulated by inhibiting their corresponding hydrolases FAAH or MAGL, preventing their degradation.

    • Purified naturally occurring cannabinoids purified from plant sources:  examples include cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC),.

    • Synthetic cannabinoids synthesized in a laboratory: examples include CB1 agonists (CPP-55, ACPA), CB2 agonists (JWH-133, NMP7, AM1241), CB1/CB2 nonselective agonist (CP55940), ajulemic acid (AJA), nabilone, and dronabinol.

Non-Cannabinoids | Hurd, Grain & Fiber

Non-Cannabinoids are classified here as:

    • Hemp Hurd – Hemp “hurd” is the woody core found inside the hemp stalk itself. Hurd is processed into various sizes from 1 inch to micron levels below 150 mesh screenings. Hemp hurd is sold by the US Hemp Brokerage and is used in animal bedding, building materials and bioplastics.

    • Hemp Grain – Hemp grain is simply the hemp seeds. Since the dawn of time, hemp grain has been a staple crop used for food items such as cold-pressed oil, hemp cake for baking. De-hulled hemp seeds are called hemp hearts and they are packed with Protien, Unsaturated Fats and Fiber.

    • Hemp Fiber – An excellent raw material for things like paper and textiles. Historically, hemp is known to make the best specialty papers for things like banknotes, cigarette paper, and technical filter paper.

      Compared to wood pulp, hemp pulp can yield up to four or five times more fiber and with higher tensile strength! Hemp also has a much faster growing cycle than trees and hemp fiber is lauded as the most versatile and strongest fiber found in nature.

Hemp Machinery | Farms & Labs

Hemp Machinery is classified here as any farm equipment and lab equipment for processing the hemp plant:


    • Planters – We work with machine partners and can support you to identify machinery for planting and growing hemp seeds or clones.

    • Harvesters – Once you’ve grown the hemp plant, you will need to process it. Harvesting machinery is used to harvest the CBD-rich Hemp plant, the Hemp Fiber plant or the Hemp Grain plant.

    • Bucking, Shucking & Milling – Depending on your anticipated outcome, you will need to process your hemp harvest in order to use it. We have the processing equipment for removing the plant matter from the stalks and stems and we can direct your materials to buyers once processed.

    • Extraction Equipment for Labs – The US Hemp Brokerage LLC has entire labs including land and structures for sale. Our portfolio also includes individual pieces of equipment for CO2, Ethanol and Solventless cannabinoid extractions.

Technology | Sustainable & Compliant

Hemp Technology is classified here as any technology supporting sustainability and compliance for hemp markets:

    • GCAC – US Hemp Brokerage LLC is a leading reseller of the GCAC blockchain and all of our brands and materials are tracked, traced and loaded into our private Web 3.0 network that captures and displays the top 50 sustainability attributes of our clients.

      This platform enables us to rapidly amplify marketing messages and feedback loops in order to drive online and brick and mortar sales.

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