We connect Raw Hemp Suppliers with Raw Hemp Buyers through our very popular virtual hemp warehouse, which is known as the hemp “Supply Haus!”
As the leader in hemp brokerage services, the US Hemp Brokerage LLC established this private sales network of raw hemp material in 2022 to move biomass, isolate, flower and other compliant hemp extracts. Based on our success with cannabinoids, we have now also added non-cannabinoids, such as hemp hurd, hemp fiber, and hemp grain.
If you are a hemp supplier, hemp processor or hemp buyer, you are in the right place. It’s very simple to get started and onboarded. Do not hesitate to add us as your core marketing opportunity for pre-sales.
Got hemp to sell? You need to join the US Hemp Brokerage Supply Haus, today!
If you have raw hemp materials of any kind that you need help selling, this is the best foundational sales & marketing program for hemp suppliers in the country. We actively sell hemp every day through digital and direct selling to a vibrant private group of buyers.
This hemp sales program provides comprehensive consulting and direct ongoing access to the US Hemp Brokerage sales leadership team.
When you join the Supply Haus, you can be assured that your hemp materials will be sold, if they can be sold!
While we are not a magic bullet, we literally put your supply in play, every day and we guarantee results or we’ll refund part or all of your fee if you are unhappy at the end of your membership.
All raw hemp materials sold by the US Hemp Brokerage LLC are sold exclusively through the Hemp Supply Haus where the material is reviewed,graded, and classified for purity, specificity of outcome, and compliance. All supply is vetted upon membership and then continually promoted to our private group of raw hemp buyers.